

发布时间:2020-02-08 所属栏目:SCI知识

  单2019年来看,SCI 收录的国产期刊新增 27 本,相比 2018 年新收录的 15 本,可以算得上是大丰收了。2019年新收录了27本中国SCI期刊,比2018年收录的多了12本,其中新刊占比很大。因而,我们发SCI论文,除了国外的 SCI 期刊外,还有不少值得投稿的国内的SCI期刊。关于2019年SCI期刊收录新增国内期刊名单,如下。


  1、International Journal of Mining Science and Technology

  2、Journal of Integrative Medicine

  3、Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

  4、Journal of Gastrointestinal Ocology

  5、World Journal of Emergency Medicine

  6、Advances in Climate Change Research

  7、Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy

  8、Frontiers of Architectural Research (A&HCI)

  9、Annals of Palliative Medicine

  10、Food Science and Human Wellness

  11、International Soil and Water Conservation Research

  12、Communications in Mathematics and Statistics

  13、IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

  14、Military Medical Research

  15、Genes & Diseases

  16、Digital Communications and Networks

  17、Ecosystem Health and Sustainability

  18、Journal of Materiomics

  19、Horticultural Plant Journal

  20、Animal Nutrition

  21、High Voltage

  22、Plant Diversity

  23、Stroke and Vascular Neurology

  24、Green Energy & Environment

  25、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy

  26、Matter and Radiation at Extremes

  27、Bio-Design and Manufacturing

